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  • Collection: The Covid-19 Pandemic and Oxford

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Bury Knowle is a park located off of London Road in Headington. If you are lucky enough to take a socially distant trip there during lockdown you might find the Bury Knowle Park Snake. Started by Oxford Rocks UK, the snake is (currently) made up of…

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"The sky has been like a blank canvas again, while the planes have hardly been flying. It has also been so quiet, birdsong has been the dominant sound. The kite reminds me of the simple things in life and the most precious, time with family."Cathy…

A series of photos from Grenoble's online Flikr exhibition entitled 'Confinement villes jumelees'Grenoble is one of Oxford's twin cities. To view all of the images from Grenoble, visit their Flikr page here.

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From -"As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020, our homes have been transformed. Bedrooms have become offices, living rooms have become classrooms, gardens have become gyms, and every house has become a…

A personal account from David Juler, the Museum Development Officer at the Museum of Oxford and his brief time supporting the locality hubs set up by Oxford City Council in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.All views expressed are David's.

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The Museum of Oxford's Volunteer Engagement Officer meets with some of the Museum's volunteers over Zoom. A key aspect of keeping volunteers in the loop about what is going on at the Museum are the coffee mornings. To find out more about becoming a…

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About a day A typical day begins with waking up, not much of a change. However now I do not need an alarm, my body is free to wake up naturally without a loud penetrating noise. I do my work when I want and how I want. I enjoy the company of myself…

Our Market Manager created this little graphic of our traders to advertise our move to online trading during the lock down. For many of us this picture provided a bit of a boost, a reminder that our market community remains strong even during the…

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"The architecture now can be photographed during this time of Covid-19 without obstruction or distraction and the central area must look like in some part how it did back in 1167 when the University was founded, less the double yellow lines of…

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"I’ve been a professional photographer for over 20 years and live in the centre of Oxford. My work has taken me to all over the country and to many countries abroad. Sadly, in a matter of days, my client order book went from almost full to completely…
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