The Bury Knowle Park Snake

Bury Knowle Park Snake 1.jpg
Bury Knowle Park Snake 2.jpg
Bury Knowle Park Snake 3.jpg


The Bury Knowle Park Snake


The Covid-19 Pandemic and Oxford


Bury Knowle is a park located off of London Road in Headington. If you are lucky enough to take a socially distant trip there during lockdown you might find the Bury Knowle Park Snake. Started by Oxford Rocks UK, the snake is (currently) made up of over 300 lovingly hand painted rocks! Some rocks give thanks to "our NHS heroes" and others bear supportive messages such as "there's always a rainbow after a storm."

At the front of the line lies a rock painted as the head of the snake along with a sign which states "be a giver, not a taker" and encourages residents to add to the Covid-19 snake by bringing their own painted rocks and pebbles.


Museum of Oxford


The photographs belong to Tony Gillie and Roger Christiansen.

The Bury Knowle Snake was started by Claire Waldron and #OxfordRocksUK.

Alt text

1: many pictures of colourful painted stones, themed around thanking the NHS
2: row of painted stones, hearts/ladybirds/rainbows etc.
3: row of painted stones along a path from further away

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