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  • Tags: Art activity

1. How long have you played music? I've been hitting piano keys for as long as I remember, jamming out to 70s bands with my dad and writing soundtracks and songs. I was lucky that my local state school happened to have an ace music department, so I…

covid shop signs 1.jpg
"The architecture now can be photographed during this time of Covid-19 without obstruction or distraction and the central area must look like in some part how it did back in 1167 when the University was founded, less the double yellow lines of…

covid amulet.jpg
Washing your hands with soap has become such a fundamental part of the current times that it inspired me to create this piece of work. Inspired by amulets seen through history that were thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease. I…

BBC bunting image 1.jpg
With so many events cancelled or restricted for the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of VE Day on the 8th May, we wanted to come up with a way for people across Oxfordshire to mark the occasion, express their pride in our country and to remember…

Sheila Costello picture 1.png
This is a drawing I did inspired by the wonderful Iffley Meadows in Oxford.I started this at the last Art Group at Oxford Town Hall before the lockdown and finished it at home. So my inspiration was the Art Group. This submission is from a member of…
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