Browse Items (355 total)

Experience When you spend all day every day at the same desk, it's important to make it a comfortable and productive workspace. As a geographer, I think a lot about space and have found that my mental health improves significantly when I can work in…

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Lockdown in Padova, Italy during the Coronavirus. We made these signs with rainbows on them and these words and hung them from our balconies. Many children did these pictures with rainbows and the words ‘Andra’ tutto bene’ everything will be okay.…

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Members from Oxford and Leiden enjoy their annual dinner at Kirtlington Golf Club in 2015.

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This is a drawing I did inspired by the wonderful Iffley Meadows in Oxford.I started this at the last Art Group at Oxford Town Hall before the lockdown and finished it at home. So my inspiration was the Art Group. This submission is from a member of…

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Arts at the Old Fire Station is an arts centre in the middle of Oxford. They are a theatre, gallery, shop and studio. What makes them different is that they share their building with the homeless charity Crisis. They are uniquely placed to be able to…

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Henna said:

"This badge is from the annual Valentine's Day sale at the Ruskin School of Art. I bought it because I loved how immediately bold and direct it was. It's lovely to visit the sale with my friends, we sometimes have a competition to see…

Experience Baking has really helped me to feel calm during these horrible times. I found an oat chocolate chip cookie recipe I love, and the methodical approach it outlines helps my mind focus on what’s right in front of me.

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With so many events cancelled or restricted for the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of VE Day on the 8th May, we wanted to come up with a way for people across Oxfordshire to mark the occasion, express their pride in our country and to remember…

In a welcome boost for biodiversity and nature in Oxford, the city council has been awarded £22,405 in biodiversity offset funding by HTA Design LLP for projects across the city. In Lye Valley/Headington on the site of the old Slade Camp we'll be…

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A series of paintings of birds from the garden and the park, painted during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown.This submission is from a member of the Adult Learning Group. The Adult Learning Group includes Searchers (a research group), Art Group, and…
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