Browse Items (355 total)

Experience Due to the CoVID restrictions 'Trick or Treating' was discouraged as children would be mixing too much outside of their households, handling sweets, etc. So our local neighbourhood organised a 'spooky safari' trail around the area where…

ExperienceI work from home and have taped up some of the notes that were slipped through my door in front of my home desk. It helps to be hopeful and imagine the future.About the picture(s)I received these notes in the first week of the lockdown.…

Experience Lots of walks in gardens and parks.About the picture(s)Waterlilies blooming on a pond in an Oxford college.

_Teach them to recognise what is essential and what is a luxury._ (1).jpg
"Teach kids to recognise what is essential and what is a luxury. Fizzy drinks for example and chocolate are luxuries."Back to Local Food Sustainability Tips

About the picture(s)These pictures were taken on a Safari Walk which was the alternative fundraising event to holding a school summer fete. Such a good idea, though not quite replacing the fete offerings of bbq, music, beer tent & Pimms, tombola…

About the picture(s)On a hot sunny day, we wanted to go for a short shady walk. Deciding on a change from Bagley woods, we opted for a walk through Egrove Park, which we had never done before. We discovered ponds full of fish, serenity and…

About the picture(s)Another Bank Holiday in lockdown changed for the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. This certainly needed effort and recognition. Our village celebration was cancelled. Our personal plans, to have visitors and attend Wallingford Car…

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With so many events cancelled or restricted for the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of VE Day on the 8th May, we wanted to come up with a way for people across Oxfordshire to mark the occasion, express their pride in our country and to remember…

Experience Baking has really helped me to feel calm during these horrible times. I found an oat chocolate chip cookie recipe I love, and the methodical approach it outlines helps my mind focus on what’s right in front of me.

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"At first I enjoyed the peace and quiet, and the cleaner air with hardly any traffic. Once I was the only person on High Street; on another occasion I seemed to have Christ Church Meadow all to myself. In spring the city would be thronged with the…
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