An Organised, Ergonomic Day of Zoomin'



An Organised, Ergonomic Day of Zoomin'


Health and wellness



When you spend all day every day at the same desk, it's important to make it a comfortable and productive workspace. As a geographer, I think a lot about space and have found that my mental health improves significantly when I can work in a space that feels happy, healthy, and bright. I usually wake up around 9 am (I know, not a morning person...), make breakfast and green tea, and settle in for some pre-class readings. Then it's a marathon of Zoom calls and classes. I like to keep the blinds open so that I can give my eyes a screen break and do some people-watching. I try to remember to hydrate, but I'm not great at it... If I can squeeze in a break during the day, I get outside for a walk or bike ride, anything to get my blood flowing under the sun. Then it's back for dinner, more reading, prep for the next day, and maybe some socialising with my housemates if they're around. I like to clean up my desk at the end of each day - giving my space care with consistency helps it to feel fresh for the next busy day ahead. We're all doing the best to create new, productive habitats at home while this pandemic persists. I'm lucky to do it with such phenomenal peers!


November 2020




Museum of Oxford



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