Pride 2022: Colourful Pieces of Joy (26)

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Pride 2022: Colourful Pieces of Joy (26)


"Colourful pieces of joy - can you spot which one is made of you?

The Oxford Pride 2022 festival was more than an event; it was a beautiful and bright spectacle. A genuine sense of happiness filled the air that special year, finally pushing aside the challenging times of uncertainty brought about by Covid. There was a tangible feeling of joy. Everyone present experienced a contagious excitement, bringing people together in a shared emotion, making that day different from celebrations at other times.

Actually, it wasn't just a day of celebration; it was like a symbol of resilience, unity, strength, and love conquering challenges.

Here are some little pieces of this joy that my lenses captured. Details of all this - a colourful collection of diverse rainbow tones all around, wide gestures, joyful smiles, and kind people.

If you were there that day and see yourself in one of them, maybe I have a wonderful full picture of you. Send me a message, we will check, and I gladly can send it to you."

Juliana Cassab - Visual Artist




Museum of Oxford


Juliana Cassab

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