The Bath House


The Bath House


I was born in Cyprus where my dad was doing his National Service. We returned to Oxford in 1958 with my two older brothers and my parents rented a house in Quarry High Street in Headington. It was a lovely old house with a huge front garden and a prolific apple tree. My parents bought an old gypsy caravan which sat in the garden and in which we all used to play.
The house didn't have a bathroom (just an outside lavatory) so once a week we'd catch the bus to the bath house in Paradise Square, where The Westgate shopping Centre is now. We were shown into a cubicle where there was a large bath. The water was controlled from the outside by the man in charge (I suppose so we didn't use too much hot water). We kids had the first bath and when we finished my mum had her bath. I can't remember ever going with my dad. Maybe they had baths where he worked!



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