Easter celebrations in Ramallah during the pandemic

Ramallah Easter.png


Easter celebrations in Ramallah during the pandemic


Oxford's Twin Cities


“Easter's Holy Fire ceremony”

Scroll down for video.

The centuries-old ceremony is held annually one day preceding Orthodox Easter in the old city of Jerusalem in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, it is believed by many Christians to be the place of where Jesus Christ was entombed and resurrected.

Thousands of worshippers attend the ceremony, due to lockdown this year the ceremony was limited to only pilgrims to deliver the Holy Light from the church to other Christian communities.

The ceremony was broadcast live to reach thousands at their homes worldwide. The municipality and Youth Club "Sareyyet Ramallah-First Ramallah Group - Sport, Scout, Culture" arranged to receive the Holy Light and to distribute it to citizens' homes in the city. The municipality live streamed the Easter mass to reach worshippers at their homes Welcoming the Holy light in 2019 vs. 2020 in Ramallah.


Easter 2020


Museum of Oxford


Ramallah Municipality


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