Interview with Julia Meijer


Interview with Julia Meijer


Entertainment and sport


1. How did you get into singing?

I have been singing all my life and always loved performing whenever there was a chance. But I first started to take singing lessons by the age of 13 when I started music school.

2. Do you play any instruments?

Yes, I play the guitar.

3. What do you sing about?

My lyrics are a blend of personal experiences, things that inspire me (like nature), descriptions of feelings and emotions, and poetry.

4. What’s your most memorable Oxford gig?

That's a tough question... Perhaps my gig at Port Mahon in March last year, I remember that there was a great vibe.

5. What’s the Oxford music scene like?

It depends on where you look!

Listen to Julia's latest single on their website.




Graham West and Julia Meijer


Museum of Oxford

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