Mini interview with Sandra Ruge of Waste2Taste



Mini interview with Sandra Ruge of Waste2Taste


Science, technology and the environment


Waste2Taste provide affordable and ethical food, serving local people through a Community café, providing a catering service with a vision towards a vibrant, healthy and sustainable food culture, committed to reduce food waste.

Their vision is: 

  • To address food waste, food poverty and homelessness.  
  • The café uses food surplus as its main ingredient, and have a ‘never waste anything’ approach, creating a place for anyone and everyone.
  • The Oxford Food Bank, Ark T ,Bucksum Farm & Cultivate are supporting our venture and we hope to gain the support of other suppliers and partners who share our ethos and vision.
  • The café will provide mentoring and training opportunities to the homeless and vulnerably housed, a pathway into work. 
  • Running “Cooking for Health and Wellbeing Workshops” for homeless, vulnerably housed and families experiencing poverty. 

Mini interview with Sandra Ruge of Waste2Taste

Why did you decide to make sustainability such a prominent part of your business model?

"Because we believe in the three pillars of sustainability, Economic, environmental and social. What you choose to put on your plate can make the most powerful impact on your personal and environmental footprint. By making the right choices you can have a lighter impact on Mother Earth."

What are the keys things that do you as a business to try to make sure you have a positive impact on the world and the environment?

"We use what some consider Waste as our main source of ingredients. In the 4 Years we have been operating as Waste2Taste , we have been fortunate enough to work with high quality food surplus mostly provided by the amazing Oxford food Hub and grass roots businesses like Bucksum farm. We have a never waste anything approach."

Do you have tips that people can use at home to reduce waste?
1 – Don’t over buy it
2 – Plan ahead, think about what you are cooking
3 – Love your freezer
4 – Use your leftovers
5- Check the use by dates on fresh food when you buy it

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Sandra Ruge


Museum of Oxford


Tina Eyre

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